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Testimonial: Folyan B

Development Consultant

Dr. Dehumo Bickersteth (Ed.D)

Dehumo is a human centric people solutions strategist with over 20 years of global experience providing solutions to organisations and individuals across industries and disciplines.

Testimonial: Folyan B

Testimonial Details

"Wow! What's this ?"

"Its called Fruity loops."


That was Shalom Studios, Ile-Ife, 2001. We were staring at the grids of  FL 4.0 on the cathode ray screen.

Much of my earliest studio experiences were initiated by Dehumo as far back as the early 90s. Since then its been a constant drive to improve on knowledge from core basics of audio engineering and musical arrangement to details based on sonic preferences and context.

Either losing track of time together in the studio or listening to old turntable records in his house, one thing was certain. I was learning.

Dehumo's philosophy then was that all knowledge was holistic. And every aspect of production or even life had certain semblances or patterns and similarities. Only contexts were different.

Dehumo trained me and some of my colleagues how to teach audio engineering, learning approaches, hardcore education stuff at DMA center and at MTI, Surulere. I still believe and practice that unique approach to teaching audio.

More recently was the introduction to Universal Audio Technology which was an eye opener for me into how hardware really works for recording , mixing and mastering.

From project to project Dehumo has provided not just critical insight to best practices for production , planning, budgeting and accounting but also the drive for a bigger and better sound all within budget.

The experience is spanning to 3 decades now. And has been quite impactful.

The world needs more Dehumos for MmJs.

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